US service members die in Syria

Last Wednesday in Syria there was an explosion  took by ISIS. A Syrian news company said that ten people died including civilians. It has happened at the same time that american troops started removing Syria. It has been a decision of Trump.
I think is a good new for american troops because the soldiers want to comeback home, but is a bad new for the Syrian civilians.

- Announcement : anunci
- Remove : treure


Emiliano Sala was an Argentian footballer. He was flying from Nantes, France, to Cardiff, Wales, when his plane went off radar. This happens on 21st of January. 

It takes a long time to find his plane. On February 7th, people found Sala's body.The footballer player for the Football Club Nantes from 2015 to 2019  he moved to the Cardiff City Football Club. Sadly, he died even before his first training with the new team.

-shipwreck: neufragi 

Fire in Nova Delhi hotel 

Seventeen people died after a fire broke out  at a hotel in central New Delhi.  Firefighters felt forced to use windows in their rescue attempts.

Five-story: 5 plantes


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